
This afternoon I got a callback for a job interview. The prospect of an interview is exciting enough but when she initially suggested a time it just happened to conflict with a blood donation appointment I had that day. I would have never brought it up otherwise but because it was a conflict I got to tell my interviewer that I was going to donate blood. I'd say that's a good first step.

The Springville Museum of Art (which is about 10 minutes south of me) hosted a "College Night" tonight and I had the opportunity to take a date. They do these events a few times a year and every time its a blast. There are always free milkshakes, some variant of an art scavenger hunt, and an art project. The best part about these nights is that they are 100% free and are actually a lot of fun. This time we did printmaking with styrofoam squares. We engraved an image using a pencil tip and then printed them on some card stock.
It's actually a vivid pink; scanner issues.
I think my print came out really well though for some reason all my art projects revolve around trees. The important thing is that I got several compliments from the interns working the event so my ego was satisfied. The date ended up going quite well and there will probably be a second, especially if there's another great free event going on.
Seasons project from last College Night
Oh, remember the kitten from a few posts back that we gave away? She found her way back. I almost stumbled over her last night as I was walking around the neighborhood. Unfortunately we don't have the contact information for the people we gave her to so we're not really sure what to do!

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