
Beautiful Butterfly

I have been severely neglecting this blog--as far as actual events this blog is over two weeks out of date. It is in fact so out of date that I am having to consult my journal to figure out what interesting things I have actually done.
My parents have officially moved into their Provo house. It's a cute little 1953 ranch home right in the middle of a historic neighborhood. They are mostly moved in but as luck would have it the week after they closed on the house Provo had one of the worst storms it's had in fifty years and now we're looking at a pretty bleak Winter. Welcome to Provo I guess.
I posted previously about my bow tie crafting and I still had the fabric for two more ties so I used my mother's newly accessible sewing machine to finish them off. The above ties were wholly cut and sewn by me making them the first sewing project I have ever completed without assistance. I'm going to get fabric for a few more (my mother might have some antique Japanese silk) and then eventually move into full neck ties. I will never have to buy a gift for a male again.
I've done a few other things as well, the above picture is from a chalk festival in which the winner actually made the front page of Reddit. I also attended a couple weddings and started dating someone. It's starting to get colder and so I'm desperately trying to do everything outdoors I can do.


Salt Lake Comic Con 2013

Last week I attended Salt Lake's inagural Comic-Con with my sister and some friends. There were so many people; four fold the expected registration.
One of the best moments of the Con was the Henry Winkler Q&A. A young lady went up to ask her question but Mr. Winkler interrupted her with general praise about how attractive Utah women are and specifically how pretty she was. The lady then told him she was 23 and had never been kissed and asked him to do the honors. Winkler agreed and the girl got one of the best first kiss stories I have ever known.

We tried to go look at the booths but there mass of people made it too much to bare so instead we said hi to some cosplayers.

I'm excited about next year, there was some planning problems with the con that I hope they sort out next year. They had so many people there that when we left for lunch we were told we couldn't come back in so we missed a lot of stuff. Next year!


Justin and Jen's Wedding Weekend

Mirielle, the wedding photographer, posted some pictures from the wedding on her photography blog located here. It pays to know the photographer--I made the blog cut!

It was a small party and a lot of fun. I ended up harassing all the guests to sign the guestbook because I didn't know what else to do. The prospect of sitting and talking with no other activity is unbearable to me. Everyone did love my bow-tie though and I once I get my parents settled into their new home in Provo I'll continue making some more.

The following day we met up with my Aunt Mary and Cousin Heidi and wandered over to the Denver Art Museum which was stellar. One artist, Nick Cave, had a special exhibit which was fascinating. He had built these suits and covered them in buttons which he called "soundsuits." There was no photography allowed but I had to spite them.
The black is covered in buttons, not camera noise.
It was all very reminiscent of the video game Journey which, if you haven't played, is probably one of the best arguments for video games as a medium of art.

Suzi getting stabbed by giant knives.

Riding a turtle in the kids section.
Much of the rest of the vacation involved playing games with my cousins and siblings. An enjoyable weekend for sure, would go again.


Patchwork Cables

We ran some new fiber cable in the office at work and while pulling it through the conduit--the fish tape got caught on some CAT-5 cable and ripped it in two.  This was not our cable but we did some quick thinking and fixed it.
I wish my camera could focus on things closer than four feet.
Unfortunately the call center who uses this line for all their data and voice was not satisfied so we had to run a brand new cable the following day.

I just got back from a trip to Colorado for my brother's wedding but I'm going to hold off on a write up until I get some of the pictures from the wedding photographer.