

I handed out Lisa Frank valentine cards this year, they had tiny tattoos included. Lisa Frank encapsulates all my memories about growing up in the nineties. Oh and also slap bracelets.
I just Googled this picture.
I went through and cleaned out my closet this weekend and made it an operable space once again thanks to DI and basement storage. When I moved into this house I threw a bunch of stuff on a shelf and hadn't looked at it in years. Among these things were a small collection of spiral notebooks from college. I had already ripped out most of my notes with the idea that I'd use the notebooks again but I missed a few pages. I waxed nostalgic a bit as I read my random doodles and notes to myself about life. For some reason its the easiest to doodle and day dream when you're supposed to be listening to someone.

Most importantly though, I recently discovered that the city of Castle Gate, as featured in the Oscar deserving film Rigoletto, is a real place. It's a ghost town now but there is a cemetery--possibly the one featured at the end of the film! Finding out the city is dead now adds a grim feel to the otherwise hopeful conclusion to the story.