
Bus Rodeo

This is a week old but oh well, last Saturday I was an official judge at a bus rodeo. I had no idea there was such a thing until I was asked to help out by a family friend (can I have family friends when my family is one person?) but I did it nonetheless.
My co-judge and I. The green vest indicated that I was the score-keeper.
The jist of the event was that the drivers were required to go through several obstacles designed to test their expertise at controlling the vehicle. My specific event was the Right-Hand Reverse parking in which the drivers were required to reverse into a parking stall on their blind side. Mostly everyone did fine but there were two highlights.

Some of the drivers decided it would be worth it to plow directly through a cone so they could directly back up into the stall. It was a valid strategy but caused an issue with one bus as the cone started going up into the engine block. Fear not though, I bravely dove under the automobile to save the poor thing.
I ended up scraping my knuckle pretty bad but they invited me back to judge the state competition so it was worth it. However, my favorite driver and moment was a woman who started backing up a good twenty feet before she was supposed to, started to turn completely around, and then gave up and drove away.

It wasn't paid but they did pay for us to eat at Chuck-O-Rama and as gross as that might be I couldn't turn away from a free meal. I just ate a bunch of scones with honey butter and felt sick afterwards.


  1. That sounds like it would have been awesome to go to. I'm sad that I didn't get to go, though.
