
I got a part-time job with a genealogy company called  Mocavo. It's purely data entry and only twenty hours a week but it will pay most of my bills which makes it quite welcome. I would tell you what I do but apparently that is classified--they had me sign an NDA and everything.

July to December
Working twenty-hours a week still leaves me plenty of free time so I went though all my photos from 2012 and archived them in their own special folder. While I was going through them I found a picture of me from the Summer where I had the exact same smile as my Christmas card. I know the lightning is warmer but, dang, I was dark.

I have a feeler out on a full-time job that I'm waiting to hear back on. In the mean time I have started attempt number three at reading the unabridged Les Miserables which I'm sure will take the next few months.

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