

Its up, my new domain is up! You may have noticed that when visiting this site the domain now points to www.otti.ng instead of the usual chrisotting.blogspot.com. The domain is up and functioning for my blog as well as a new email address--which I won't type here because of lame bots. It's just chris or christian though.

People told me it was a waste of money but I smile every time I have the opportunity to tell people my email.

Now I need to fill the rest of this post with other things to make it worth looking at.
This is a recent shot of my bedroom not completely clean. You can't see my map of Africa or my portrait which is a shame.
A couple of my friends and I tried to get into conference but were unsuccessful. Still got to hang out in the tabernacle though.
Some of my other friends threw a tiny food birthday party for their daughter. Here is a tiny pork sandwich, a tiny baked potato, tiny cucumbers, tiny cantaloupe, and a tiny cup of juice.

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