
Evee the Dog

Yesterday we took our family dog, Evee, to the vet to be put to sleep. I wasn't convinced it was merited but it came to be. After spending a few moments with her after work my mother, sister, and I loaded up in the car and headed off to see Doctor Erickson.

While waiting for the event we took turns holding her and exchanged stories. When she blatantly peed in front of everyone, how she ran away all the time, or time she got scared so bad she literally released her bowls.

I held her for her final moments and as the doctor injected the concentrated sedative I felt Evee's heart beat until it stopped, her body quivered, and she was gone. As I laid her lifeless body onto the table it felt wrong, her entirety was limp and it was obvious that she was no longer our dog.

It was at that moment that the full force of her death hit me. I can't say I cried but I teared up as I reflected on her companionship to myself and my family. I rested my hand on her hip and said a prayer.
First MomentsLast Moments
She hated to be held.